Prayer for America

O Lord, You led the Framers of this beautiful gift - America - to found our land upon the rock of

Your Word, the Bible. Noah Webster wrote, “The brief exposition of the Constitution of the

United States, will unfold to young persons the principles of republican government; and it is the

sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of

correct republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian

religion.” [1] You have blessed us economically, given us victories on the battlefield in defense

of liberty, sewn us together in harmony as one nation under God, and given us more inventions,

patents, compositions, copyrights, industrial and medical advances than any other people in

history. But, now dear Father God, America has turned her back on You and Your Word,

adopting some errant form of “secularism”; as her code of conduct, and our nation is in rebellion

to You. Our harmony is fractured, our debt is insurmountable, confusion reigns in daily life so

that men think they are women and women think they are men, our foundations are crumbling,

and socialism is creeping into our system of government. Help Lord, for if the foundations are

destroyed what can the righteous do? Revive us again, O Lord, that America may once again

rejoice in You. Cause a mighty great awakening to sweep our land, I pray. Move again in our

midst and restore us to the Biblical foundations that made us great! Help, O Lord, help.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, I pray. Amen.

Pastor Bill Ledbetter

Bill Ledbetter